足袋は姉履け、雪駄は妹履け Tabi wa ane hake, setta wa imouto hake.

  • 解釈:足袋は段々と縮むから、足の大きい姉から履き、雪駄は鼻緒が緩んでくるから、妹が先に履けば無駄がない。
  • Literal:An elder sister can wear a tabi and a younger sister can wear leather-soled sandals.
  • Interpretation:Because, it is since it will be shortened if a tabi is washed, and the clog thong of leather-soled sandals loosens.
  • 類義:足袋は親の足袋を履け。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.